Hello Steve! Firstly, please tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a tarot reader and tutor, based in the UK. I have been studying tarot for eighteen years and read for clients professionally in person and online. I enjoy to share my understanding and experience with the cards through my blog and in my teaching. I have delivered three beginners courses to small groups of students and run a monthly Tarot Circle in Kent.
As well as reading tarot, I also enjoy to design. I often teach workshops in schools, connected to fashion and collage creation, helping young people to express and direct their creativity.
A man of many talents then! Why do you practice cartomancy?
I fell into cartomancy by chance. I picked up a cheap set of tarot cards on a whim and didn’t think too much about it to begin with. It was only when I decided to go in search of a deck that was more aligned with my tastes that my passion for card decks and reading them was born.
I rarely read for myself now, but in the early days, tarot did help me through some difficult situations – allowing me to see things from angles I’d not considered or didn’t want to acknowledge. They were a great comfort. These days, I enjoy to use everything I have learned from card reading, and my studies of Kabbalah, to help others.
What do you find is the most rewarding aspect to consulting the cards?
Many clients become emotional when I read for them. Tarot enables people to unlock those parts within, which they’ve tucked away from others and, on some occasions, from themself. In the safe environment of a tarot session, the messages from the cards provide pointers and ways in which solutions can be found.
As well as being entertainment for some, they can provide much-needed guidance for others. It is very warming to know that someone has left the table feeling stronger than they were and thinking more clearly.
You say it was only when you found a deck suited to your tastes that your passion for cartomancy was awakened, do you have any favourite decks?
I have many favourites, yes. In terms of tarot, there are lots I enjoy to delve into – such as Tarot of the Hidden Realms, The Intuitive Tarot, and Shadowscapes Tarot. However, since the bulk of my readings are for clients, my main reading decks are the Original Rider Waite, Radiant Rider Waite, and Llewellynn’s Classic Tarot.
My oracle choices are more varied. I have recently enjoyed getting to know Ciro Marchetti’s Oracle of Visions and Cilla Conway’s Devas of Creation, which I use intuitively, but my favourite deck for prediction and getting to the heart of a matter is Chronicles of Destiny Fortune Cards.
Thank you! It's a creation we're very proud of. You've created a few decks yourself, is there anything you'd like to share about them?
Deck creation is something that has been close to my heart for a long time. While I am still unpublished (partly by choice), the process of creating my own tarots (and one oracle) has affected me deeply. When I was young, I found it difficult to commit to projects and left many ventures unfinished. When I completed Fragments of an Illusion Tarot, I felt a great sense of achievement. Having finally designed 78 cards, which I had begun to do a number of times before, I knew I could take on the challenge again. I did this a year ago, completing my Spirit Within the Shadows Tarot.
I hope to publish Shadows eventually, but at the moment, I am examining possibilities and thinking which way would be best to get it out and into the world. I have received positive interest from people within the tarot community, so want to make the right decision about how it is released. Sometimes, these things take time. I want to do it properly.
We're looking forward to when Shadows is available! You've been working with Chronicles for some time now, how do you find working with them?
Chronicles has a special place within my cartomancy heart. I had bought many oracle decks over the years but found most to be indecisive and offer affirmations, rather than real, practical guidance. I have learned from my public readings that often, people just want to know what is going on and what they could potentially do about a problematic situation. As a reading tool, many of the oracle decks left me unsatisfied and frustrated.
I first saw Chronicles on Twitter, mentioned by Ferol Humphrey. I commented on how attractive the illustrations were and went off to do whatever else I was doing. It was only when you and I started to speak, some months later, that the deck was brought to my attention again.
Of course, I love images on cards, but when I choose an oracle to work with, it is the words which are of most importance. I need to know that the cards will work within ‘my’ readings and that all aspects of a clients story can be covered. It was this which provoked me to buy Chronicles, because I knew it would be a workhorse deck, rather than something which was only attractive. The deck doesn’t disappoint; while it is very beautiful, it doesn’t hide behind it’s exterior. It cuts to the heart of a situation and tells you it like it is.
It was lovely to connect with you, first on Twitter and then in our later conversations. In your wonderful review of the deck you mention similarities to other cartomancy systems, how do you find Chronicles differs from tarot?
In many ways, Chronicles is like tarot, since there are many cards which echo tarot (and life) archetypes. However, one of the things I like about this deck, in comparison, is how it strips away doubt within a reader. Because the meanings are focused, it allows a reader to pinpoint exactly what is important. There is nothing vague about Chronicles, which is refreshing.
In the deck there are two choices for a male significator card. Have you chosen The Hero or Hero II? And why?
As a significator, I see myself as The Hero. I add the other into the pack to represent any other important males in my life. I think that showing the Hero II from a distance reminds me that he is someone coming into my ‘story’.
The Chronicles of Destiny features a themed, fictional story; do you have a favourite fiction book (or fairy tale)?
That’s an interesting question. I have read some good books over the years but the one that just came to me is from my childhood. I loved The Musicians of Bremen, which is about four animals who leave their cruel masters, set up home and defeat a group of robbers. I can still remember the illustrations from my Ladybird edition with great fondness.
Finally, of the cast, do you have a favourite Chronicles character? If so, why that one?
There are so many wonderful character-portraits within the deck, but The Baroness is a firm favourite. It is a beautiful image, but aside from that, who doesn’t love the baddy in a story, eh?
Steven Bright
Professional Tarot Consultant & Tutor
@tiferettarot (Twitter)
@tiferettarot (Instagram)
I am a tarot reader and tutor, based in the UK. I have been studying tarot for eighteen years and read for clients professionally in person and online. I enjoy to share my understanding and experience with the cards through my blog and in my teaching. I have delivered three beginners courses to small groups of students and run a monthly Tarot Circle in Kent.
As well as reading tarot, I also enjoy to design. I often teach workshops in schools, connected to fashion and collage creation, helping young people to express and direct their creativity.
A man of many talents then! Why do you practice cartomancy?
I fell into cartomancy by chance. I picked up a cheap set of tarot cards on a whim and didn’t think too much about it to begin with. It was only when I decided to go in search of a deck that was more aligned with my tastes that my passion for card decks and reading them was born.
I rarely read for myself now, but in the early days, tarot did help me through some difficult situations – allowing me to see things from angles I’d not considered or didn’t want to acknowledge. They were a great comfort. These days, I enjoy to use everything I have learned from card reading, and my studies of Kabbalah, to help others.
What do you find is the most rewarding aspect to consulting the cards?
Many clients become emotional when I read for them. Tarot enables people to unlock those parts within, which they’ve tucked away from others and, on some occasions, from themself. In the safe environment of a tarot session, the messages from the cards provide pointers and ways in which solutions can be found.
As well as being entertainment for some, they can provide much-needed guidance for others. It is very warming to know that someone has left the table feeling stronger than they were and thinking more clearly.
You say it was only when you found a deck suited to your tastes that your passion for cartomancy was awakened, do you have any favourite decks?
I have many favourites, yes. In terms of tarot, there are lots I enjoy to delve into – such as Tarot of the Hidden Realms, The Intuitive Tarot, and Shadowscapes Tarot. However, since the bulk of my readings are for clients, my main reading decks are the Original Rider Waite, Radiant Rider Waite, and Llewellynn’s Classic Tarot.
My oracle choices are more varied. I have recently enjoyed getting to know Ciro Marchetti’s Oracle of Visions and Cilla Conway’s Devas of Creation, which I use intuitively, but my favourite deck for prediction and getting to the heart of a matter is Chronicles of Destiny Fortune Cards.
Thank you! It's a creation we're very proud of. You've created a few decks yourself, is there anything you'd like to share about them?
Deck creation is something that has been close to my heart for a long time. While I am still unpublished (partly by choice), the process of creating my own tarots (and one oracle) has affected me deeply. When I was young, I found it difficult to commit to projects and left many ventures unfinished. When I completed Fragments of an Illusion Tarot, I felt a great sense of achievement. Having finally designed 78 cards, which I had begun to do a number of times before, I knew I could take on the challenge again. I did this a year ago, completing my Spirit Within the Shadows Tarot.
I hope to publish Shadows eventually, but at the moment, I am examining possibilities and thinking which way would be best to get it out and into the world. I have received positive interest from people within the tarot community, so want to make the right decision about how it is released. Sometimes, these things take time. I want to do it properly.
We're looking forward to when Shadows is available! You've been working with Chronicles for some time now, how do you find working with them?
Chronicles has a special place within my cartomancy heart. I had bought many oracle decks over the years but found most to be indecisive and offer affirmations, rather than real, practical guidance. I have learned from my public readings that often, people just want to know what is going on and what they could potentially do about a problematic situation. As a reading tool, many of the oracle decks left me unsatisfied and frustrated.
I first saw Chronicles on Twitter, mentioned by Ferol Humphrey. I commented on how attractive the illustrations were and went off to do whatever else I was doing. It was only when you and I started to speak, some months later, that the deck was brought to my attention again.
Of course, I love images on cards, but when I choose an oracle to work with, it is the words which are of most importance. I need to know that the cards will work within ‘my’ readings and that all aspects of a clients story can be covered. It was this which provoked me to buy Chronicles, because I knew it would be a workhorse deck, rather than something which was only attractive. The deck doesn’t disappoint; while it is very beautiful, it doesn’t hide behind it’s exterior. It cuts to the heart of a situation and tells you it like it is.
It was lovely to connect with you, first on Twitter and then in our later conversations. In your wonderful review of the deck you mention similarities to other cartomancy systems, how do you find Chronicles differs from tarot?
In many ways, Chronicles is like tarot, since there are many cards which echo tarot (and life) archetypes. However, one of the things I like about this deck, in comparison, is how it strips away doubt within a reader. Because the meanings are focused, it allows a reader to pinpoint exactly what is important. There is nothing vague about Chronicles, which is refreshing.
In the deck there are two choices for a male significator card. Have you chosen The Hero or Hero II? And why?
As a significator, I see myself as The Hero. I add the other into the pack to represent any other important males in my life. I think that showing the Hero II from a distance reminds me that he is someone coming into my ‘story’.
The Chronicles of Destiny features a themed, fictional story; do you have a favourite fiction book (or fairy tale)?
That’s an interesting question. I have read some good books over the years but the one that just came to me is from my childhood. I loved The Musicians of Bremen, which is about four animals who leave their cruel masters, set up home and defeat a group of robbers. I can still remember the illustrations from my Ladybird edition with great fondness.
Finally, of the cast, do you have a favourite Chronicles character? If so, why that one?
There are so many wonderful character-portraits within the deck, but The Baroness is a firm favourite. It is a beautiful image, but aside from that, who doesn’t love the baddy in a story, eh?
Steven Bright
Professional Tarot Consultant & Tutor
@tiferettarot (Twitter)
@tiferettarot (Instagram)