In the interest of symmetry this week's blog post will mirror last week's, so as we've addressed the opposites in The Chronicles of Destiny we'll now look at the cards with similar meanings. Some of them seem to mean the same thing and some can be a continuation or progression of the first card, we hope this offers you some clarity in your readings.
The Call is always going to be an offer or invitation, it doesn't show that you've agreed to anything but merely that it's on the table. Accepting the Quest can be a progression of The Call, showing your acceptance of the offer.
Whispering Hall is internal self-doubt and niggling uncertainty but The Dragon would be full blown anxiety and fear. If left unchecked or unresolved small worries could transform into mental anguish. Whispering Hall is always your own feelings (sometimes unfounded), whereas The Dragon can represent not only your internal fears but also an external ones.
The Adventure is something that's completely new - Lady Spring is a new beginning but there's often a sense of renewal with it. So Adventure could be a new job in a different field to one you've ever worked in, and Lady Spring could be a new job but in an area you're familiar with.
The primary meaning of Lady Spring is new beginnings, but due to the element of renewal if she appears with Phoenix the meaning of resurrection is strengthened. However, if you are looking for a revival of some kind then Phoenix is the best indicator, as Lady Spring on her own would be new beginning.
The Lighthouse tends to appear as a warning to something we are unaware of, alerting us to something that comes out of nowhere. We've found that Masquerade comes up when we're either already wary, or unable to see the reality of a current situation. Masquerade can be avoided, whereas The Lighthouse can only be navigated through.
Shore of trials can be small arguments and troubled times but nothing as extreme as all out Conflict. Like with Whispering Hall and The Dragon, if the situation were left to develop from the first card it would become Conflict, bigger arguments and greater upheavals.
Downfall is the "no" card of the deck, and it is very fixed in its meaning. When Downfall appears we know that the situation will end in defeat and disappointment. But Road to Nowhere is a temporary no, the path you're on will lead to a dead end, but there is another route you could take.
These can be seen as the three "baddies" of the deck. There are three key differences in these cards:
The Warlock - can be person or situation.
The Baroness - always a specific person(s).
Masquerade - always a situation.
It's always best to check surrounding cards with The Warlock, as his influence is mutable. He could represent a person who creates out of pocket expenses for you, or outright steals from you - or simply something that creates delays and obstacles in your plans.
The Baroness is the one to keep an eye on. This card will always show a person (or people) acting against you, but it won't always be obvious who as they may appear to be friendly. It won't necessarily be a female either, despite the card's character.
And finally Masquerade will always relate to a situation, it might not be as serious as The Baroness, but tread carefully.
The Warlock - can be person or situation.
The Baroness - always a specific person(s).
Masquerade - always a situation.
It's always best to check surrounding cards with The Warlock, as his influence is mutable. He could represent a person who creates out of pocket expenses for you, or outright steals from you - or simply something that creates delays and obstacles in your plans.
The Baroness is the one to keep an eye on. This card will always show a person (or people) acting against you, but it won't always be obvious who as they may appear to be friendly. It won't necessarily be a female either, despite the card's character.
And finally Masquerade will always relate to a situation, it might not be as serious as The Baroness, but tread carefully.
Both cards indicate love, but it is the nature of the relationship where they differ. Kissed would be butterflies-in-your-stomach/first kiss, kind of romance, it usually appears for new relationships.
Union is a more settled and committed relationship. It doesn't have to be a marriage, it could also represent a couple who live together.
Union is a more settled and committed relationship. It doesn't have to be a marriage, it could also represent a couple who live together.