Our minds react strongly to visual aids; we might use different coloured pens when trying to learn something new, or put a picture of a gorgeous model on the biscuit cupboard to ward off temptation (which is working quite well for me!), or have a savings plan stuck on the fridge.
We can use these same techniques with manifesting.
Take some cards out of the deck that represent your goal, there can be as many or as few as you need, and try to look at them every day – visualising the end result. You can take a picture of the spread and put it as your screensaver, print it out and pop it in your purse or wallet, tape it to your mirror, your fridge or wherever it will grab your notice and spend a few minutes each day really focusing on those cards.
For instance, if you’re really hoping for a love relationship to come your way you could use the card that represents your desired partner (Hero, Heroine, Hero II or Heroine II) along with some of these cards: