So, my lovely readers, for this week’s blog I’ll be taking you through some of the card combinations to look for in your readings that are all about love and relationships – and just in time for Valentine’s Day!
Firstly, you should always hold clear in your mind who’s who. There are four people to choose from in the deck, Hero, Heroine, Hero II and Heroine II. For example: if a single lady has two male admirers she should assign a Hero card to each, so suitor number one is the Hero and suitor number two is Hero II, and this will hold true for all related readings. If you would prefer, you can always take the extra characters out - leaving just yourself and your partner, or intended partner.
Please note that where there is more than 2 in a combination not all of them have to appear, as long as you have the core cards then the rest can be considered back up, or to reinforce the message. Also, I have left the Heroes and Heroines out, as you would apply these to your own situation.
A New Relationship
Returning Love
Moving in Together
A Marriage Proposal
Wedding Celebrations
Unrequited Love
Just a little disclaimer here, these combinations are not extensive or all-inclusive. Everyone has different circumstances and not all of them will be reflected in the cards shown, these are just to give you a general idea of the most significant cards that may come up.
Happy Valentine's Day!