When friends or clients come to us for a reading we would be doing them a disservice just to gloss over the thorny issues. More often than not they've come for a reading because they’re facing a problem, so to downplay the cards or ignore them completely is counter-productive. Look at it this way; you wouldn't go to a doctor if you thought they weren't going to tell you the whole truth.
Yes, giving bad news can be unpleasant, I cringe a little bit when I lay the cards down and there they are . . . the “baddies”. But I would feel awful if I hadn't covered them and then watched my friend go through a difficult situation without warning.
Because that’s what the cards can be, not everything is set in stone and some situations can be alleviated or even avoided, a favourite quote of mum’s: forewarned is forearmed. If the future of their finances doesn't look very promising then they know to budget now and delay that spending spree!
So how do you approach giving bad news? We try not to be so subtle that we skim over it, but equally not so blunt that we seem inconsiderate – find a happy medium. Imagine how you would like to hear it; practise your delivery with your own personal readings – because at some point it will be needed!
This gives them the opportunity to take different steps to improve the situation. Responsible reading is being able to deliver the good news and the bad, in a way that is sensitive to the seeker’s needs.
Ems x