We’ve had our first glimpse of frost and snow and that means Lady Winter is here! This is about the time I like to sort out my winter reading, a couple are old friends that I curl up with every year when the cold weather hits, and some are new additions this year. So firstly, my winter favourites. When it’s so cold outside that fingers and noses go numb, I always love the comfort of a familiar story - it’s like a warm hug!
The North Child by Edith Pattou – Also known as East.
Based on a Norwegian fairy tale “East of the Sun and West of the Moon”, North Child has everything I love for a great winter read: set in a snowy landscape, rich descriptions of wonderful sounding food (which never fails to make me hungry), superstitions and a love story. Perfect. Those of you familiar with The Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke will notice parallels between the story and the Four and Five of Cups, which focus on the myth of Psyche and Eros.
The Sugar Queen by Sarah Addison Allen
One of my absolute favourite authors. I reread all of her books every year and always The Sugar Queen when it’s cold. She has a new book coming out on the 20th of January entitled First Frost, and I have no doubt that it will be added to my yearly list! Again, this book has a winter setting in the Snowy town of Bald Slope, North Carolina, and tantalising descriptions of food - this time sweets and hot sandwiches! Her touches of magic realism are so enchanting and imaginative: for instance, books magically appear to one of her characters when she’s in need of guidance or a new story to get lost in!
The new additions...
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey – Because I really can’t resist a good fairy tale adaptation!
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens – I’m a little ashamed to say that, even though it is a classic, this will be my first reading. I don’t think watching The Muppet’s Christmas Carol every year counts (though I probably will hear Gonzo’s voice narrating in my head whilst I’m reading it!)
And those are my literary winter warmers this year! We’d love to hear what all of you will be reading during Lady Winter’s reign– besides The Chronicles of Destiny of course ;)